Building Bridges of Hope Board of Directors
Co-Founders and Co-Directors: Adam and Jessica Carlile
Lay Catholic Missionaries who have committed their lives to the communities that we serve in the Dominican. They travel frequently between the U.S. and Caribbean, fundraising and executing each project on the ground. They receive each group of volunteers and welcome them into the BBOH family, translating and working alongside each group.
Dr. Angel Valdez, MD
Co-founder and Executive Director of Fundacion Mariana San Isidro Labrador (FUMSIL). He is also the director of the community hospital in Elias Pina, Hospital Rosa Duarte. Dr. Angel serves as our primary contact in the Dominican Republic.
Fr. Daniel Reim
Jesuit priest and associate pastor at St. Mary Student Parish for the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI. He has traveled to visit us numerous times, bringing groups of students through the Alternative Spring Break Program.
Joseph Lavigne
Attorney in Bloomfield Hils, MI. Joe met us when he came down as a chaperone for the St. Catherine of Sienna (Wixsom, MI) high school mission trip. He has been our chief advice consultant ever since.
Alma Jean Fossel
Director of Social Concerns at St. Al’s in Grand Rapids, MI. She was one of the first volunteers to come down in 2007. She represents all of our former volunteers, providing a unique perspective as a young professional in the nonprofit realm.
Rick Nowakowski
Parishioner of St. Mary in Ann Arbor and our expert on all things related to nonprofits. He has been a driving force behind BBOH moving forward and building more relationships.