Our Next Dream Is Now A Reality!
God is so Good! We have officially finalized the contracts of the water project thanks to 100% funding by a private donor! Having access to safe and clean water will make a huge difference at the Clinic of Hope and in the lives of those in and near the community of Rosa La Piedra.
The Clinic of Hope is 98% Complete!
What began back in 2017 is now complete, aside from a few finishing touches!

It started with a dream…back in 2017/2018. The dream of building a medical clinic in the mountains to provide care for those living in and around the remote villages surrounding Rosa La Piedra/Calimete on the border of the Dominican Republic and Haiti. Through flooding rains, funding challenges and a pandemic, work progressed and is now a reality! Thanks to rooftop solar power and a small well/pump (and soon a larger water system) the clinic has running water and electricity. It’s open every Thursday and there are over 4,000 patient records on file!!!

We welcome donations to support any of our ongoing projects, just specify in the optional notes area the designation for the funds.